Kelly’s Success Story – Nutrition Coaching

-Kelly, 51 years old 

Fun Fact: Once ate ICE cream as a pre workout…

“It’s carbs though right?” 

  • What were you struggling with before you signed up for our nutrition program?
    • I joined RRCF in August 2020 and started the nutrition program in Sept.  I was motivated after trying to exercise at home and not making any progress.  I had several misconceptions of ‘good nutrition’, including that I should be eating a high fat/low carb high protein diet. 
  • How did our nutrition program help solve that problem?
    • You learn quickly that you can’t do an hour crossfit workout on fat and protein.  Trusting Coach Abby to explain why all carbs aren’t bad was a preliminary step in fundamentally altering my diet.
  • What was different about our nutrition program compared to diets you’ve tried in the past?
    • I’ve never dieted per se, but I have tried to adopt eating habits (grain free anyone?  Mediterranean diet? keto?) but I wasn’t exercising as consistently as I was here, so I wasn’t seeing any results.

Kelly’s RESULTS via the Nutrition Coaching program: 

Was:Now:Difference of:
Body Fat Mass72 lbs.61 lbs. -11 lbs. 
Skeletal Muscle Mass75 lbs78 lbs. +3 lbs
Body Fat %34%30%-4%
Total Weight 210 lbs.200 lbs.-10 lbs. 
  • Take us to the moment when you realized our nutrition program was actually working to solve your problem.
    • It’s like turning a big ship around very slowly.  After 90 days I had lost 5 lbs of fat and gained a few pounds of muscle.  I wanted the explosive metamorphosis, but I was very happy to accept the incremental change of 1-2 lbs of fat a month.
  • Tell us what life looks like now that your problem is solved or being solved?
    • I’m a month out from major shoulder surgery and 5 weeks without exercising.  One saving grace has been good eating patterns where I have not over indulged and anything or binged on sweets and poor choices.
  • How has the accountability and support of nutrition coaching helped you stay on track? 
  • Mine has been a slow and steady progression.  Check-ins with Coach Abby ground my food choices as well as help me to consider other food options.  My go-to breakfast is now eggs and sweet potato hash.  Before it was eggs with goat cheese and half an avocado.
  • What would you say to someone considering nutrition coaching with Railroad CrossFit?
    • It’s not going to solve your problems overnight.  But if you are committing to RRCF, I would recommend a 90 day commitment to nutrition coaching to establish a baseline, track incremental progress, and identify roadblocks to achieving your nutrition goals.

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