Did you know that only 1 out of 7 people report waking up feeling refreshed after sleeping?
Almost half of Americans report feeling fatigued throughout the week.
We are chronically tired because we are messing up our sleep.
This adds to us not “feeling” like working out.
Lack of consistent movement has us feeling worse, gaining weight and our health on a fast decline.
How about this one…
Did you know we can lose up to a pound of water during approximately 7 hours of sleep?
If we worked out already, we could be even further depleted.
Most of us wake up, tired still, snooze a time or 12 and then run right to the coffee after releasing more fluids in the restroom.
We program ourselves to become mentally reliant on our coffee as our first thing.
Reliant as the thing to “wake” us up.
This tasty drink will indeed WAKE us up but is it optimal first?
Many of us can run the story “I’m not myself without coffee.”
Don’t worry, I’m not here to eliminate your coffee.
Only to add something BEFORE it.
While coffee is great and has its benefits, using it as our first liquid consumption isn’t totally optimal.
We are not exactly digging ourselves out of this hole we already find ourselves in.
We wake dehydrated from our previous nights sleep.
And we further the dehydration process when we go straight to caffeine.
From there it doesn’t take a lot for dehydration to unleash its havoc on us…
Mild dehydration even equalling roughly 1% of bodyweight can cause:
- Headaches
- Anxiety
- Moodiness
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Decreases in mental performance
78% of Americans are chronically dehydrated which doesn’t paint a picture for an ideal start to the day.
However, we aren’t just talking about simply adding water.
Over the course of sleep we lose water but we also lose important MINERALS & ELECTROLYTES.
Minerals are critical for supporting numerous body processes, from muscles to organs and even functions of the brain.
Without adequate minerals many of the body’s normal functions begin to diminish.
So while adding a glass of water before our coffee is a step in the right direction, unfortunately water alone isn’t enough.
We are not just talking about curing that cottonmouth feeling.
Yet replacing daily lost minerals and electrolytes.
By doing so we are priming our internal fluids before we hit the road and embrace our day.
12-16oz Water
1 Fresh cut Lemon
*Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
Filtered water if that’s possible for you.
A small pinch of sea salt will help get you properly hydrated and reset your mineral balance.
*Sea salt guide = 3 grams or if you use a sea salt grinder like I do – I do 12-15 generous rotations of the grinder.
Add a full cut squeezed lemon for added nutrients, flavor and digestion health.
By adding the morning mineral cocktail daily you’ve optimized your water and mineral and electrolyte balance and you will feel the amazing effects within minutes.
The first time I did this, I felt more awake and alert within the first 4-5 min of my waking day than I could ever remember previously.
I was blown away.
And that keyed me into how deficient I likely was in minerals and electrolytes.
Especially the way we regularly exercise.
Some folks get nervous about salt as the media or even certain doctors will tell you to “watch your sodium intake.”
Salt is the original mineral supplement.
Sea salt contains upwards of 60+ trace minerals above and beyond sodium, chloride and iodine in traditional table salt.
- Phosphorus,
- Magnesium,
- Calcium,
- Potassium,
- Bromine,
- Boron,
- Zinc,
- Iron,
- Manganese
- & Copper.
And contribute meaningfully to optimal performance.
Sodium binds to water in the body to maintain proper hydration inside and outside our cells.
It also contributes to nerve function, muscle contractions and various other functions.
Without it – we would be toast.
Salt became this dirty word because salt= water retention.
AKA more hydration.
Higher concentrations of salt in the body is able to hold more water and your blood will be thicker. Which will raise blood pressure.
Is this a problem though?
Studies show, there is NO PROVEN conclusive benefit to sodium restriction when it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease or death.
Especially those with a healthy heart.
What may have happened here is a classic case of correlation opposed to causation.
High blood pressure is correlated to obesity, obesity is correlated to heart disease.
Yet the increase in high blood pressure caused by salt has not been shown to cause heart disease.
Salt has been a part of our diet for a long standing history.
In my research of the implementation of this morning mineral cocktail, I found that incorporating this within one’s daily routine could help with a female’s monthly period.
Due to the loss of blood (iron) the vital minerals and electrolytes may help you with what is lost in a rebalance.
The minerals may help reduce cramping.
The adding hydration may help prevent excess bloating and improve your digestion.
Everyone is different and could respond differently but my research also showed that caffeine could run the possibility of making you feel worse while on your cycle.
So this could be something nice to try that could help and doesn’t fall on that side of the line of running the risk of making things more difficult for you during that time.
The best time is to start today. If the morning has passed, then tomorrow.
And do it everyday.
I would only do the morning mineral cocktail upon waking first thing in the morning.
In my experimentation – doing it again only caused me to go to the bathroom.
I’d also only use sea salt or pink himalayan sea salt as in Coach Abby’s experimentation of using “table salt” she was quickly met with a trip to the bathroom.
We’ve refereed a lot of our dear friends and loved ones to incorporate this into their daily routine just like movement and eating healthier and now you have one more tool to optimize your day, your health and your overall well being!
& Let us know how the morning mineral cocktail treats you!
*I’d like to thank Aubrey Marcus, his work and his book Own The Day Own Your life for turning me on to the morning mineral cocktail!